World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages

The Roadmap to Language Competence

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What Are the World-Readiness Standards?

The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages 制定路线图,引导学习者发展有效沟通的能力,并与文化能力互动,以参与国内和世界各地的多语言社区.

This publication is a collaborative project of AATA, AATF, AATG, AATI, AATJ, AATK, AATMG, AATSP, ACL, ACTFL, ACTR, ASLTA, CLASS, CLTA, MLA, NCOLCTL, and National Standards Task Force for Hindi.

The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages 确定世界语言在每个学生的学习生涯中的核心作用. 《电子下注软件》的五个目标领域在传播与文化之间建立了不可分割的联系, 哪些应用于建立联系和比较以及使用这种能力成为当地和全球社区的一部分.

View a video overview of the World-Readiness Standards here:

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The Standards are available as a print volume and downloadable ebooks, combined with your preferred language. 您还可以在我们的书店获得所有可用语言的标准电子书.

The History of the Standards

在美国教育部和美国国家人文基金会为期三年的资助下, an eleven-member task force, representing a variety of languages, levels of instruction, program models, and geographic regions, 承担了定义语言学习内容标准的任务——学生应该知道什么和能够做什么. The final document, Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, first published in 1996, represents an unprecedented consensus among educators, business leaders, government, 语言教学在美国教育中的定义和作用. This visionary document has been used by teachers, administrators, 以及州和地方各级的课程开发人员开始改善我国学校的语言教育.

《电子下注软件》是根据15年多来语言教育工作者的实践经验进行修订的. 指导原则是明确语言学习者在每个标准上应该做什么来展示自己的进步.

The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages 制定路线图,引导学习者发展有效沟通和文化理解互动的能力. “为世界做好准备”标志着该标准已经进行了修订,并进行了重要修改,以关注所开发的读写能力和现实世界的应用. 在准备中加入另一种语言和文化的学习者不仅可以为大学和职业做好准备, but are also “world-ready”—that is, prepared to add the necessary knowledge, skills, 以及他们进入高等教育学习或职业生涯的意向.

These Standards are equally applicable to:

  • 各级学习者,从幼儿园到高等教育水平
  • native speakers and heritage speakers, including ESL students
  • American Sign Language
  • Classical Languages (Latin and Greek)
Download the Summary

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Statement of Philosophy

Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. 美国必须教育那些在语言和文化上具备在多元化的美国社会和国外成功交流能力的学生. 这一要求设想了一个未来,所有学生都将发展并保持英语和至少一门其他语言的熟练程度, modern or classical. 非英语背景的孩子也应该有机会进一步提高母语的熟练程度.

Perfect for your classroom!

Get the 5 Cs Poster

Purchase the poster, 突出了标准的目标领域——也被称为5c(沟通, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities). A description of each of the 11 standards is also included.

“美国西班牙语和葡萄牙语教师协会很自豪能够在新修订的世界语言学习准备标准的制定中发挥作用. 我们知道,新标准将在为所有K-16教师创建课程框架和课程计划方面发挥至关重要的作用.”

Emily Spinelli

“We are delighted to see the revised Standards. We especially welcome the Sample Performance Indicators for Elementary, Middle and High School, and Post-Secondary students. Congratulations to the team.”

Mary Helen Kashuba

经修订和新指定的语言学习世界准备标准建立在现有的和现在熟悉的五个目标的基础上, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, 社区)通过为K-16+学生增加识字和职业准备,清晰全面地阐述了以前的标准.”

Frank Nuessel
Past President & Salvatore Bancheri, President, AATI

“The revised Standards continue to address the original five goal areas, while the descriptors are re-focused, 确定学生掌握新语言所必需的批判性思维技能, including classical languages.”

Kathy Elifrits

“修订后的语言学习世界准备标准不仅为韩国教师提供了如何以及如何教授K-16+学生融入21世纪技能的指导, 同时也有助于建立课程和星际网赌登录的框架,并最终在全国范围内建立实践和理解的社区.”

Korean SIG

More Resources

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Document 2x
Survey Results (PDF) 外语标准的十年:影响、影响与未来方向

Read 《外语标准的十年:影响、影响和未来方向." (PDF) | Survey Results (PDF)

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